
Three Reasons Why You Should Integrate Healthy Fats Into Your Diet

25 August 23

Fats often get a bad rap in the world of nutrition, but they play a vital role in our overall wellbeing.

1. Healthy Fats Act As Carriers for Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Understanding the role of vitamins is paramount to maintaining a healthy body. Among these essential nutrients are fat-soluble vitamins, a group that includes vitamins A, D, E, and K. (3)  

Unlike water-soluble vitamins, which dissolve in water and pass through the body, fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through dietary fat and are stored in fatty tissues for future use. These vitamins play a pivotal role in various bodily functions, from supporting vision and bone health to bolstering the immune system and protecting against oxidative stress. (2) 

Without dietary fats, the absorption of these vitamins would be significantly hindered. 

When you consume fat-soluble vitamins, they dissolve into the dietary fats in your digestive system. This fat-soluble complex is then transported through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, where it can be used by different cells and tissues in the body. In essence, fats act as carriers, ensuring the effective delivery of these vitamins to where they are needed most. 

2. Low Fat Diets Fail

The avoidance of all fats can be detrimental to one’s health.  

Historic food and diet fad trends around low fat diets saw people being steered away from nourishing healthy fat foods, when in fact sugar is the substance that triggers fat storage in the body. When someone consumes sugar it is first absorbed from the digestive system and released as glucose into the bloodstream. This creates high blood sugar which in turn releases insulin. Fat cells then absorb the excess glucose as a result which converts into more fat. (4) 

3. Healthy Fats Are Necessary For Overall Health

Healthy fats are essential for energy, muscle movement preventing blood clots, ease inflammation, help maintain heart health and promote good cholesterol levels. (6) The right fats also banish free radicals and repair oxidative stress as they contain antioxidants.  

Certain types of fats are essential to your health like avocados, nuts and nut butter, coconut and extra virgin olive oil, spirulina, seeds and dark chocolate. 

The Coconut Connection

Enter the humble yet versatile coconut, a natural source of healthy fats that can enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Coconut, in its various forms —be it coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flesh or even coconut yoghurt —contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that is easily digested and quickly converted into energy. (1)  These MCTs can help create an optimal environment for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and help the body easily transport vitamins across the intestinal wall. (5)  

Not only does coconut provide the necessary fats for vitamin absorption, but it also offers a myriad of health benefits on its own. Rich in antioxidants, coconut aids in combating oxidative stress, which can lead to cellular damage and aging. Additionally, the MCTs in coconut are believed to contribute to weight management by increasing feelings of fullness and boosting metabolic rate. 

Incorporating Coconut into Your Diet

Incorporating coconut into your diet is a delicious way to support the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Consider adding coconut yoghurt to your morning smoothie, using coconut oil for cooking, or enjoying a refreshing scoop of coconut ice cream after dinner. There are plenty of convenient and satisfying ways to reap the benefits of our favourite nut. 

Embracing sources of healthy fats like coconut can not only enhance the absorption of these essential vitamins but also contribute to overall well-being. So, the next time you’re savouring the sweet taste of coconut, relish in the fact that you’re not just enjoying a delectable treat but also supporting your body’s journey toward optimal wellbeing. 


  1. Boateng, L., Ansong, R., Owusu, W. B., & Steiner-Asiedu, M. (2016, September). Coconut oil and palm oil’s role in nutrition, Health and National Development: A Review. Ghana medical journal. 
  2. Cleveland Clinic. (2023, June 22). What do you know about fat-soluble vitamins? 
  3. National Research Council (US) Committee on Diet and Health. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information. National Library Of Medicine. 
  4. NIH Study Shows How Insulin Stimulates Fat Cells to Take in Glucose.” National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 07 Sept. 2010. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. 
  5. Panoff, L. (2019, June 13). Coconut meat: Nutrition, benefits, and downsides. Healthline.,D%2C%20E%2C%20and%20K 
  6. The Truth about Fats: The Good, the Bad, and the In-between.” Harvard Health. Harvard University, Aug. 2015. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. 