Turmeric, we know your somewhat new to the superfood team, but that’s not really true is it? Can you tell us how you started out?
Can you tell us why you (Turmeric) are so highly prized medicinal practices like Ayurveda?
What is Curcumin exactly?

Could you tell us about the key benefits of consuming Turmeric?
Certainly, I can give you my top 7 health benefits of Turmeric.
1 It’s Anti- Inflammatory power: It has been found that Inflammation plays a role in nearly all Western disease, the Curcumin in Turmeric helps to fight inflammation at a cellular level by blocking molecules that activate inflammation.
2 An antioxidant booster: Curcumin both boosts’s our bodies own natural antioxidant enzymes and is in itself a strong source of free radical fighting antioxidants.
3 Brain health and function: Curcumin stimulates the growth of brain Neurons and helps fight the effects of degenerative brain disease.
4 Lowering the risk of heart disease: It does this by being able to reduce inflammation, oxidation and improving the function of the lining in our blood vessels.
5 Linked with Cancer Prevention: Curcumin has been shown to create molecular level changes that could help prevent cancerous growth.
6 Treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s: Curcumin helps to clear brain clogging proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
7 An Arthritis treatment: With potent anti inflammatory qualities, Curcumin is said to be a very affective at treating joint inflation associated with Arthritis.
So we have to ask, how did you and COYO meet?
We did actually hear through the grape vine that you were working on a project together, can you elaborate a little more on that for us?
You have such a luscious glow about you, have you been on vacation?
We’ve been hearing a lot about your appearance in Golden Milk, do you have a recipe you could share with us?
Thanks for talking to us Turmeric and keep up the good work, we look forward to eating you in the future!