Made weekly on the
Sunny Coast,

Tel (07) 5472 8529


Coconut Yoghurt & Turmeric Face Mask



The Turmeric in this Coconut Yoghurt based beauty mask is loaded with antioxidants which have been accredited with slowing down damage to our cells and inflammation. When the Turmeric is combined with the good bacteria found in the coconut yoghurt, any nasties on the skin will be washed away and the skin soothed. On a personal note, when one of our COYO children as a newborn developed baby acne we washed him daily in a warm bath of COYO Coconut Yoghurt, his acne was gone within a week as the good bacteria neutralised his skin and gobbled up anything that was causing his skin irritation. Combined with the limitation of dairy in his diet the two acting in conjunction with each other soothed his delicate skin and upset tummy, it was amazing to watch the power of natural healing in action.


1 Combine together the Coconut Yoghurt, Honey and Turmeric to form a paste. Add the paste to the oats and mix well. Use the mix straight away as it will dry out if you leave it too long.
2 Apply a thin layer to your face and let it dry for 20 minutes
3 Rinse off in the shower, scrubbing gently to remove.
4 Finish with moisturiser of your choosing or with some Organic Coconut Oil, Coconut Magic have a really great high quality coconut oil.


2 tablespoons of oats ground to the level of your choice
1 teaspoon Organic Turmeric
3 - 4 tablespoons of Natural COYO Yoghurt
A few drops of honey
